Mahu East parkland

Took the dogs for a big walk a few weekends back. The wind has been up for about three weeks straight - not great for fishing from our little boat or the kayaks. We've been walking, snorkelling, reading, writing and relaxing instead. Also sometimes working.

Photographs, not necessarily in order: We found a dead Rosella which is still quite beautiful. I love these bright birds. A pōhutukawa, part of it fallen. The footprints of a group of Canadian geese that were floating not far off shore (but too far to get a good shot with my 50mm).We peered into rockpools, cast from the rocks (didn't catch anything), saw a small school of kahawhai, looked for small fish hiding under submerged logs.

We love this walk from Martins to the Mahurangi East National Parkland. It is so remote and there are hardly any visitors. It's about 12km return (we think). The boys were knackered afterwards (and so were we).

Thanks for viewing xo


What I read in January (2025)